
Coaching: the four approaches


McNulty Management Consultants offers four different approaches to coaching, dependent on the requirement:

(i) 360-degree feedback plus “self-coaching”

Some clients do not wish for an on-going coaching relationship. They simply require an outside organisation to act as a “clearing house” so that they can obtain 360-degree feedback on themselves, whilst maximising the confidentiality of the respondents. They then use the information gained for their personal development and action planning. Whilst some work with a trusted colleague to develop a way forward, others in effect act as their own coaches.

We provide a web-based form which can be used for this purpose. Completing the entire form takes around twenty minutes (see www.mcnultymanagementconsultants.com/360info). We usually suggest that each client completes the form themselves, and also seeks feedback from: (1) their direct supervisor; (2) up to four subordinates; (3) up to four peers; and (4) up to four clients and/or external parties who know them in a work context. Group feedback helps ensure the confidentiality of respondents (with the exception of the supervisor’s responses).

Respondents gain access to the form by signing on to our website using a unique code number. Clients are unable to gain access to the individual responses. The results are fed back in the form of a series of tables (www.mcnultymanagementconsultants.com/pdf/360output).

(ii) Quick Coach

Described in full detail on this site, the “Quick Coach” product (www.mcnultymanagementconsultants.com/quick-coach) involves the 360-degree process described above, in addition to other elements, including two meetings with a coach. The approach is designed for those who may want some advice and guidance in interpreting the results of the 360-degree feedback, and developing self-improvement plans, without wishing to engage a coach on an on-going basis.

(iii) One-on-one coaching

These engagements usually entail working at, or close to, the top of organisations. Such assignments typically involve regular coaching meetings with CEOs, Board members and senior Directors. Typically the role is both performance-related and developmental and covers: acting as a sounding board so they can test ideas; helping them to develop workable solutions; specific advice on issues pertaining to them or their teams; providing feedback based on 360-degree and other data, as well as (not always easy) personal developmental feedback from the consultant.

We continue to play this role in a number of organisations and with some quite challenging cases.

(iv) Larger programmes for a “critical mass” of managers

An example in this last category would be a “Coaching for Results” programme we ran for forty senior managers in one international organisation. Three coaches worked with the senior managers over a twelve-month period, rapidly creating a “critical mass” at the core of the organisation leading to improved networking and understanding.

These sorts of larger programmes can involve:


For more information contact info@mcnultymanagementconsultants.com
or call
(44) 01923 835007

Daily quote:

“Money is despicable stuff but it buys Renoirs”
(Sir Ian Fleming)

McNulty Management Consultants

Daily Management Nugget

Research and facts which all managers should know

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Why you must keep practising your current skills while developing new ones (click above)

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