


McNulty Management Consultants draws on a wide network of experienced consultants. Tony’s own profile can be found below, together with the profiles of five other consultants, whose backgrounds are indicative of the level of expertise upon which we can call.

Dr Tony McNulty is Managing Director. Prior to setting up McNulty Management Consultants in 1995, he spent seven years with a leading international consulting firm, latterly heading up a team of fourteen consultants. Previously he held posts in the computer industry both in Europe and the USA, and during his early career worked for an engineering firm. More recently, he has been involved in three lengthy and far-reaching strategic re-organisation projects, two in the Republic of Ireland, and one in the UK. In 2010, he co-founded Executive Leadership Groups Ltd. as a vehicle for leadership development, involving bi-monthly group meetings in London, as well as one-on-one coaching. Tony is a former faculty member at INSEAD Business School in France where he spent three years as a researcher. A graduate of London University, he holds a Ph.D in organisational Behaviour from London Business School. He is the author of the internationally acclaimed “Management by Permission” (Springer 2016).

Wendy McNulty has held a variety of managerial and administrative posts in the UK and France within a range of private sector organisations. Her experience includes the following sectors: banking; academia; bridal wear; recruitment; and management consultancy. A former Research Assistant for Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, she was at one time Company Secretary for a leading international French bridal wear firm in the UK. She has also worked as a recruitment consultant specialising in sales roles within IT. A Director of McNulty Management Consultants since its inception, in 2010 she co-founded Executive Leadership Groups Ltd. Wendy is a graduate of the Institut francais du royaume-uni, and also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Studies from London’s City University (now the Cass Business School).

Dr Adrian Murton is an experienced international management and organisation development consultant, who has led and delivered assignments in a number of European, Middle Eastern and Far Eastern countries. He has worked in a variety of sectors including financial services, construction and energy. A former Associate Dean at a business school, in addition to a doctorate from the London School of Economics, he also has degrees in Law, Employee Relations and organisational Consultancy. Besides his consulting work, he is also a tutor for both the Open University and the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development.

Dr Janine-Nicole Desai became an independent consultant in 2016, after twenty years’ experience in HR leadership roles. Following an early career in NatWest and Goldman Sachs, she specialized in HR, developing her experience across the entire range of HR activities. She has held senior roles in a variety of industries including DSGi, Tchibo, Brambles Group and most recently Hilton Worldwide, where she was Regional HR Director, UK & Ireland. Originally from Germany, Janine earned her MBA and doctorate from Manchester Business School. She is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD, a Fellow of the Institute of Directors, and also runs her own consultancy Outside Partner Limited.

Richard Moss-Blundell is an experienced international organisational consultant and change manager who has worked on numerous business restructuring and transformation programmes across a variety of organisations and cultures. Prior to his consulting career, he held down senior HR roles in both the private and public sectors in UK, Ireland and the Middle East. He has a particular reputation for, and expertise in, providing highly practical advice and guidance to clients. Over the last decade he has been involved in a number of consulting assignments which have included the postal and banking sectors. He works as a co-facilitator on our Executive Leadership Groups’ programme.

Ed Moffatt is an organisation consultant with experience of a wide range of organisations and cultures. His consulting career began after twelve years in the oil industry, where he held line management roles in international operations and sales. He has subsequently worked in a number of sectors including engineering and telecommunications. He has led a variety of organisation development and other assignments, including developing general management and leadership skills, and implementing performance and talent management. He is also an experienced trainer, delivering courses in management and consultancy skills to professionals in a wide range of technical and professional service firms. He has an MA in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University and an MSc. from London Business School.


For more information contact info@mcnultymanagementconsultants.com
or call
(44) 01923 835007

Daily quote:

“Money is despicable stuff but it buys Renoirs”
(Sir Ian Fleming)

McNulty Management Consultants

Daily Management Nugget

Research and facts which all managers should know

Today’s Nugget:

Why you must keep practising your current skills while developing new ones (click above)

Tomorrow’s Nugget:

Doing a time log: is it a waste of even more time?